Blizzard of 2011

“Snowmaggedon”, “Snowgasm”, “Snowpocalypse”, “Snow-MG! (snow-my-god),” and our local favorite “Snowprah Winfrey.” These are just a few of the nicknames flying around the Chicago area as the Blizzard of 2011 blanketed the region with powdery rage. Historically ranked as the 3rd worst storm in Chicago, it got a little too windy and snowy for the Windy City…


A Core Design Group New Year

With 2010 fading in the rear view mirror, we wanted to take a minute to consider all the ways we could express our gratitude to our clients and everything have meant to Core Design Group. After brainstorming, sketching and ideating a few clever ideas we decided to keep it simple and just come out and say it:…


Happy New Year

As all of us at Core Design Group welcome in a New Year, we look forward to an exciting and prosperous year in design. Cheers!

WHAT can Core Design Group do for me?

Research, ideation, sketches, floor plan studies, color roughs, final color computer renderings, walk-through animations, interactive animations, material specification, dimensioned elevations, color prints…and a pretty face if you need one for your presentation. For more information, please visit our extensive online portfolio at


HOW much is Core Design Group?

How much does a lost opportunity cost? During these competitive economic times, can you afford not to put your best foot forward when pursuing any new business opportunity? We are confident we can give you the best opportunity to win every project we touch. For more information, please visit our extensive online portfolio at


WHY use Core Design Group?

As an independent design firm in business since 2001, we offer you an experienced and creative alternative to hiring additional design staff or trying a solo freelance designer with unpredictable availability. We are a business like you, and you can rely on us like one. For more information, please visit our extensive online portfolio at…


WHERE is Core Design Group?

Our Studio is located in the west suburbs of Chicago, where our designers create, brainstorm, problem-solve and collaborate together under one roof. Literally. For more information, please visit our extensive online portfolio at


WHAT is Core Design Group?

We are a freelance exhibit & environment design firm, founded on the idea of providing companies like yourself with a dedicated senior level design department without the hassle of hiring or buying all those markers & stuff! For more information, please visit our extensive online portfolio at
