LEGO e3 Showroom

For e3 2014, the Core Design Group team was tasked with creating a uniquely immersive showroom environment for LEGO and Warner Bros. We created two very dynamic concepts including a very specific attendee pathway. From VIP reception area to a retail presentation zone, to a product demo zone, to a one-on-one meeting zone. Designed by…

Warner Brothers Interactive e3 Booth – 100’x150′ Island Exhibit – DYNAMIC A/V

Warner Brothers Interactive wanted a stunning design to showcase their latest games at e3 2014 in a way that would generate buzz and a social media “selfie” worthy environment. Part of the Core Design Group concept, included the use of theatrical lighting, projection mapping and evolving video & audio elements that changed the entire exhibit space, based on…

Warner Brothers Interactive e3 Booth – 100’x150′ Island Exhibit – ROUGH CONCEPT

The design process began with an exploration of two rough b&w “white study” concepts. Based on the desired audio visual impact, two different architectural and traffic flow solutions were explored.  Both Concepts were created for not only visual impact, but the “gathering space” qualities, that encouraged attendees to linger and watch game trailers. To accomplish…